William Roberts Lawyers recently host law students and lecturers from Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore at our Sydney office.
The students visited Australia for over a week to gain a broader understanding of Australian legal practice and law firm operation. For many it was their first step into a law firm, and whilst in our office they heard from co-founder and Principal, Robert Ishak, who gave insight into the journey from law student to legal practice to establishing a law firm, as well hearing from the firm’s General Manager, Anthony D’Arbon, who discussed the operational aspects of running a law firm in Australia.
William Roberts Lawyers regularly advises businesses in Singapore, having done so for the past five years and sees the relationship between Australia and Singapore as a valuable one for both countries with commercial activity on the rise between Australia and wider Asia.
For more information on William Roberts Lawyers, visit our website at williamroberts.staging.elcomcms.com.